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(5) Text: The Prime Directive

“What does Bible study even mean?” Strange as that may sound, not everything that calls itself “Bible Study” is. What It's Not Unfortunately, this phrase gets attached to just about everything:   topical studies that bounce from text to text; small groups that barely crack open a Bible; pa...

(4) Text: Initial Notes on Methods

It is not in spite of, but because of our love for our ancient, precious biblical texts, that we, with energy, seek out how to read them. We respect methods developed over centuries, and they are not the painful things that some imagine or accuse them of being; they are blessings from God that ma...

(3) Spirit: What Could Be

How do you know when the Spirit of God is speaking?  Claiming that "the Spirit told me" something is very easy to do.  And when you hear someone say that, it's almost as if you are not allowed to ask, "How do you know it was God's Spirit talking to you, and not something else?"  If you dare ask ...

(2) Spirit: The Letter Kills

All readings of biblical texts should be Spirit-led. If any method of reading is Spirit-led, it will at least attempt to be responsible to what that text is trying to say and do. The Psalmist says, “Blessed is the man who . . . delights in the law of the LORD; on his law he meditates day and nig...

(1) Spirit: What Does It Mean?

We’re talking about reading the Bible. So, right up front, let’s put this on the table: When reading the Bible, we need the Spirit of God. All reading of biblical texts should be Spirit-led. All! This is crucial. We know from biblical texts that the Spirit of God came on Jesus at his baptism...

Power-Reading the Bible

Power-Reading the Bible can fundamentally transform how we look at the Bible, how we handle it, what we get from it, and how we apply it to ourselves and to others.  So, starting now, and week by week for quite some time to come, I'm going to be thinking out loud about how we read the Bible. No ...