"The top 7 things serious Bible readers
say they want FROM the Bible!"


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"Power-Reading" is not reading faster.
It's an energetic, disciplined approach to reading deeper and with more meaning.
This level of engagement with biblical texts will only appeal to those who want MORE from their Bibles.

Power-Reading Course 

5 videos to focus your Bible Reading!

Video 1:   The #1 Thing        (9 min) 
Video 2:   A New Mindset   (9 min) 
Video 3:   Step-by-Step 1    (9 min)
Video 4:   Step-by-Step 2    (9 min)
Video 5:   Power-Reading   (9 min) 

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This could transform
the way you read the Bible. 

Click Here
for the Power-Reading Course