Please be specific!
- Scroll down the page first: Please look to see if your question is already addressed.
- Be specific: A vague comment like "this doesn't work" or "won't let me in" is not helpful. Help us to help you by being specific.
- LIVE sessions: You may not be able to receive technical assistance during LIVE sessions.
- Response Time: We try to respond to questions within a few minutes, but it may take a few hours. We try our best never to let requests go more than 48 hours. We agree with you that it would be better if we had an immediate, live chat area. If you want to volunteer to run that, please let us know. ;-)
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Track Questions

Tech Questions
See below.

Other Questions
Send message (above).
Tech Requirements
Free, Bronze, and Silver Tracks
You merely have to be able to watch streaming videos (just like on YouTube).
Gold and Platinum Tracks
Don't take the following info lightly! Those who ignore this usually have more trouble than others.
Your computer setup must be able to handle the following:
- Zero Latency
- IABC is almost entirely internet based. This means if you want to participate in Gold or Platinum tracks, you have to have appropriate internet capabilities that will handle LIVE, zero-latency streaming.
- This is not the same as watching our recorded videos, YouTube videos, or streaming movies. IABC LIVE-streams all of our LIVE sessions at a high-quality rate.
- Zero-latency means that when the presenter speaks, you will see/hear it very nearly instantaneously (maybe a half second delay). This allows us to have high-quality, real-time conversations using video and audio.
- Only the presenters will be using cameras and mics. But as a receiver, you must have equipment and connections that won't lock up or lose signal.
- Fortunately, most newer equipment is already set up for this. However, the following information should answer your questions now
- Internet download speed: We recommend that you have 25mbps. (Megabits per second, not megabytes per second--these are different).
- You can test your actual speed at (press GO) or ask your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
- Your ISP might tell you that you don't need but 5mbps. However, our experience with many people across the country and around the world is that you need at the very least 10mbs.
- You are more likely to experience signal issues if your Internet speed is 10 mpbs download or below, and also if you use wi-fi at any speed.
- You can test your actual speed at (press GO) or ask your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
- Wi-fi? No matter how strong your wireless is, it is not as strong as a direct wire to your router.
- Many people use wireless without a problem. But, wireless will have more problems with temporary degradation or loss of signal. At IABC, we use a direct hard wire, and we recommend to everyone at least a Cat 6 hardwire.
- TV's or other devices on your network: If others are watching TV or working on another computer or device on your computer while you are watching a LIVE session, this will slow your system down and it may cause you a loss of video or audio signal.
- Many people use wireless without a problem. But, wireless will have more problems with temporary degradation or loss of signal. At IABC, we use a direct hard wire, and we recommend to everyone at least a Cat 6 hardwire.
- Browsers: Chrome, Safari, and the new Edge will all work for LIVE sessions. (The old Internet Explorer will not work.)
- Your Computer: Generally, if you have a computer only a year or two old, you should be fine. But old or weak computers can also be the cause of connection problems. You might need to check with someone in your area about your computer if you have problems.
- During a LIVE session: If you have trouble (like a frozen picture, or sound dropout), refresh your browser, or switch to another browser altogether (but don’t leave two on at the same time—that will bog down your system).