Study Center:
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If you are NOT registered and want to be, click any link below for more info:
Apocalypse Unplugged (Free) | Art of Conversation (GOLD) | PowerThoughts (Free)
My Featured GOLD Seminars
If you're in the GOLD group, you have immediate access to these.
Just click to watch.
If you are not in the GOLD group yet,
Sign up for 1, get the rest as a bonus.
Go Here to See Course Previews
and save up to 70% on some valuable resources.
All My GOLD Seminar Categories
If you're in the GOLD group, you have immediate access to these.
Just click to watch.
GOLD Track Members
Get the Following
Basic Info
1. What Is the Gold Track?
The Gold Track is the heart and soul of our study program. Unlike the Free, Bronze, and Silver tracks (which are content-limited tracks), the Gold Track is a focused Mastermind Group for serious Bible study partners in a committed, ongoing study environment.
- This is an exclusive study track on a focused topic.
- It takes a motivated team through a year long study program announced for that year.
2. Current Group Study Topic
Instead of offering topical classes on a rotating basis (like survey of NT, Letters of Paul, etc.), we have a running seminar for the entire group and an announced topic. Generally, we focus on biblical texts (like Matthew, Romans, etc.) Once those seminars are finished, they become available recorded seminars and can be access at will by those in the GOLD Group.
3. Email Discussion Group
You have access to our incredibly valuable 24/7 email-based discussion group. You will soon discover that this group is as valuable as the LIVE classes. In fact, the two work in tandem for a stellar study/learning experience.
You are manually added to the discussion group.
What You Have Access To
Following are the specific features of the Gold Track.
1. Full Access
Allows you to have full access to all aspects of the English-based program.
- Access to the following Tracks: Free, Bronze, Silver, Gold. (You are encouraged to work through the earlier tracks, because Gold will assume a knowledge of those tracks.)
- LIVE sessions (1 hour per week, which also get recorded and are available 24/7 for review)
- 24/7 lively email discussion community
These are select groups. They are focused, committed, and the best opportunity for creating a dynamic group study.
2. Virtual Commentary
You have access to nearly 700 hours of biblical text courses and studies arranged by biblical book or topic. (e.g., 25 hours of studies in Matthew, etc.). Every new course we do automatically gets put into this resource for later reference.
The Program
1. Requirements:
Open to all adults. Supportive Engagement is the required operating atmosphere of the group.
The recorded sessions are 1 hour each, just as they were delivered LIVE! And they will feel LIVE!
2. The Gold Medallion Award
The requirements for this are being considered. This will be a rigorous, but achievable, study course that goes above and beyond merely attending LIVE or recorded sessions.
This is not a requirement; it is only for those who want to accomplish something truly worthwhile. Currently, the plan is that upon completion and verification of the prescribed requirements, you will receive a Gold Medallion Award, as well as an actual, physical 2-3 inch Gold Medallion commemorating that you have gone above and beyond the mere basics, and that you have shown excellence for this track! (And no, of course it will not be real gold!)
3. Help
For help, you can contact [email protected] privately or use the Help link at the top of any page.
If you're not in the GOLD Track, all of the above is what you're missing!
I Want in the GOLD Track