Our Study Approach
& Philosophy
Responsible, contextual, conversational study
Engaging biblical authors through texts
Power-Reading and PROBE methods
Learning beyond degrees and tuition
Live courses and recorded studies
Real-world biblical engagement
In a Nutshell
Bible study should be focused on engaging biblical authors in one-on-one conversations—as if sitting down over coffee. This is accomplished through our PROBE approach which walks step by step into the process.
In this way, we focus on responsible, contextual, and conversational—not limited to degrees or tuition. IABC provides structured methods like Power-Reading the Bible and the PROBE approach to deepen engagement with biblical texts.
Instead of a degree path, we offer live seminars, recorded studies, and interactive learning to build lasting study skills.
Our Guiding Philosophy
Understand Our "Conversational Study Model."
All Bible study should be based in responsible, contextual, and conversational integrity.
Avid Bible readers, teachers, preachers, and other church leaders should be
challenged to engage in high quality study methods and approaches.
Although college degrees can be extremely beneficial,
high quality Bible study is not limited to
college classrooms, degrees,
or high tuitions.
The Conversational Model
Our key focus is on conversational Bible study and personal ministry. By conversational, we mean skilled listening and deep level interaction, both with biblical authors through their texts and in our personal ministry activities. We offer . . .

- A conversational approach to the scriptures (based on a specific step-by-step path), encouraging participants to engage thoughtfully with biblical authors through their texts and with others.
- Programs that focus on developing the skills needed for responsible and contextual Bible study.
- Live and recorded seminars, courses, and a supportive community environment aimed at nurturing effective communication and understanding of biblical principles in real-life settings.
We believe that all personal ministry should be based in and grow out of responsible, contextual, and conversational applications of biblical texts.
Avid Bible readers, teachers, preachers, and other church leaders should understand and approach their personal ministries in the context of high quality, conversational study methods and approaches to biblical texts.
For reading biblical texts, we have developed and teach Power-Reading the Bible, including the PROBE method, to help facilitate a conversational experience.
We Don't Offer
a Traditional Degree Path

If you need a biblical studies or ministry degree as a requirement for professional or personal reasons, an accredited university is the path to take. Depending on the program, one might find good teachers, classes, and fellow students.
However, there are a few drawbacks to a typical "university" approach (even in some Christian universities), especially if you don't really need a(nother) degree:
- The "T" word: Tuition is the ever-growing monster in the room. Student debt is debilitating and prohibitive.
- Lack of continuing support after the class might be an issue. (E.g., in university programs, students who take a year or two of Greek typically forget most of it within a year or two.)
- Inconvenient location might be an issue. Some courses might be available online.
- Lack of personal attention might be an issue in large classes.
- Watering down biblical-text offerings has become commonplace in many universities, diminishing the amount and the quality to appeal to a wider cache of students.
College degrees can be very beneficial and many of us have them and appreciate them.
Even so—very fortunately—relevant, high-quality biblical text study is not confined to college classrooms, academic degrees, or costly tuition.
Our approach provides continuing, affordable support
that goes well beyond what colleges and universities are able to offer.

More about IABC
Discover Our Mission, Focus, and Values.
Our Primary Focus
Our primary focus is the pursuit of responsible and contextual biblical-text study which seeks to apply academically sound approaches to everyday, real-life settings. Our ultimate goal is to achieve and teach conversational biblical text interactions that bring all readers closer to God, to his longing for us, and to his people.

Our Study Partners
Our study partners come from all walks of life. PhD's, MD's, college degrees, no degrees---highly motivated Bible readers, all. Women and men from all adult ages, they live in the US, Canada, and parts of Europe. Those attracted to what we offer have the following traits:
- although respectful of traditional readings, they all want to think critically about the Bible and Biblical texts.
- they are, or want to become, independent Bible thinkers.
- they might be independent Bible students, or they might be small-group leaders, ministry leaders, teachers, preachers, pastors, elders, deacons, or missionaries.
Led by . . .
Under the leadership of Gary D. Collier (Ph.D. biblical studies), IABC communally developed the PROBE approach for reading biblical texts conversationally. Collier taught biblical languages and literature at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA., Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO., and Martin University, Indianapolis, IN., before founding in 2004 what is now IABC. A full academic bio will open in a new window here.

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