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Genesis 1-11
An in-depth look at the first 11 chapters with attention to the structure, and how the book speaks to "starting over."
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101 Days with Jesus
A close and careful look at Jesus in texts where all of the Gospels relate the same stories in similar and diverse ways.
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A very careful walk through Romans: the argument, the struggle, the desire of Paul. Based on an all new translation.
Click here for full information.

A 1-year study of the roots and context of apocalyptic literature, including an all new translation and study of Revelation.
Click here for full information.

33 detailed hours. Raises vital questions. Challenges traditional views. Not another "How we got our Bibles" class. Especially asks, "Whose idea was a biblical canon to start with?" Evaluates the nature and function of canon in living communities. A seminar born out of faith and pursued with mind, heart, and spirit.
Click here for full information.