Seminars & Training
For serious Bible readers
who want more than a typical Bible class
without the cost or structure
of a university degree
Live ongoing biblical seminars
with personal attention
Past recorded seminars
Choose from 3 Skill-Sets

More Depth
in Caring Relationships
A Six-Module (40 hour) Journey to Mastering Compassionate Communication
When you select this,
you get Skill Sets 1 and 2.

More Depth
in Bible Study
Biblical Text:
Ongoing Biblical Text Seminar on specific biblical texts and topics
When you select this,
you get Skill Sets 1 and 2.

More Depth
in Spiritual Discipline
NT Greek as a
Spiritual Discipline
From basic to advanced biblical Greek; Ongoing translation team
When you select this,
you get all three Skill Sets
For Each of the 3 Skill Sets,
You Get the Following:
- LIVE, online, weekly seminars, as if around a table.
- Your choice of skills: Skills for Personal Ministry, or for Biblical Text, or both.
- 24/7 email-based discussion group.
- All past courses (600 + hrs) are available by recording.
- As much personal attention as you want.
- No "Tuition monster." A nominal tax-deductible monthly membership fee.
- Become part of a study group excited about high quality study.
Note: Skill Set 1 (Ministry) is not available outside of the Gold or Platinum tracks.
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